Sunday 2 September 2018

Two young man die of Congo virus in Landikotal Khyber tribal district in Pakistan

LANDIKOTAL: Health officials Saturday said that a 20-year-old boy diagnosed with Congo virus in Landikotal tehsil of Khyber tribal district died.

Medical Suprintendent of Landikotal headquaters hospital Khalid Javed said that one Salman Shinwari,resident of Pirokhel fall ill after he had slaughtered sacrificial animals on the days of Eidul Azha.He said the boy was brought Landikotal hospital few days back but due to semptoms on his body they referred to Hayatabad Medical Complex in Peshawar. He was later referred to Al-Shifa Hospital in Islamabad due to his critical condition where he was diagnosed with Congo virus where he breathed his last.

He was laid to rest in Pirokhel village of Landikotal.

Another young man,identified as Khan HaidarShinwari,resident of Pirokhel also died allegedly of Congo virus.Khan Haidar was admitted at Hayatanad Medical Complex last week and was under treatment.Family sources said that Khan Haidar's temprarure was 106 for days and could not be controled. Health officials said yet to go for the cause of the death but high temprature was one of the indication of Cango virus.However,they said they have sent blood sample to Agha Khan hospital Karachi would reach the final results in few days

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