Sunday, 8 January 2012

Commercial transporters demands stoppage of their exploitation

Ashrafuddin Pirzada

LANDIKOTAL: The members of Transport Union at Torkham border has demanded of the government to stop exploitation of the local transporters by the Police and Khasadar Force personnel.

The members and designators of the All Commercial transport Union while talking to a press conference here on Sunday alleged the government for not taking serious action against the immoral and unlawful attitude of police and Khasadars. All Commercial Transport Union president, Haji Azeemullah Shinwari, said that police and Khasadar force personnel deployed on Peshawar Ring Road and at different check posts on the Pak-Afghan highway from Karkhano Market to Torkham border were looting them with their both hands.He alleged police and Khasadars that they were not only taking bribe from the transporters by force but they also use abusive language and using several tactics to get maximum amount from the transporters by any means.

Haji Azeemullah Shinwari threatened the government said that the transport union would not allow further exploitation of the transporters. Police and Khasadar Force personnel also resort to insult and abuse the transporters if they refuse to give them unjustified bribes, which was not justice, the transport union's president said.
General Secretary of the union, Niaz Amin Shinwari flanked by other cabinet members demanded of the Governor and Chief Minister of KPK to take serious action against the officials who were making their black money through illegal means.
The Union leaders warned that they would resist against the corrupt Police and Khasadar Force personnel and officials if they further forced the drivers and transporters to pay them bribes. They regretted that the main road was in very bad condition which had caused problems to the transporters. They asked that the funds generated from transporters should be spent on the reconstruction of the Pak Afghan high way which is in a bad traveling condition.

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